The best know a secret—everyone can benefit from a good coach.
Great coaches show you things you overlook, they guide you to the top, and they help you get where you want to go in less time and with greater results.
Coaching can take you from good to great.
Why Should You Choose Coaching?
Here are a few compelling reasons to start to expand your message with a coach.
- Accountability—Work with a coach and you’ve got a built-in accountability partner.
- Uncover Blind Spots—Coaching helps you see things you overlook.
- Hybrid Approach—Coaching is a mix of done for you and done with you; the best of both worlds.
- Customization—A coach tailors their approach to you resulting in a streamlined path forward.
- Better Goals—You will create goals that are specific to your desired outcome.
- Saves Time—Sure, you can figure it out on your own, but it will be harder and take longer.
Check Out Our Coaching Offerings
These are always being updated and expanded, so check back to see what’s new!

Idea to Influence Coaching
Discover your one key idea and leverage it to multiply the impact and the reach of your message. What might you accomplish if you focused all your attention on one key idea and used it to impact the world?
This is a 6 to 12 month process, with two monthly Zoom coaching calls, and all the tools, guides, playbooks, and frameworks to accelerate your impact.

Get More Mileage From Your Message
You work hard to create a weekly message—and then repeat the process over and over again. What if you discovered how to get more mileage from that message?
Designed for the busy pastor, Digital Discipleship Coaching is a 4 week group coaching program that gives you a proven process for creating engaging teaching videos and social media posts by using your existing content to engage more people.

Lead Beyond the Church
Most pastors have years for ministry experience that is only being used inside their church and on Sunday mornings. What if there was a way to leverage that experience and share it with more people. Perhaps even use it to earn extra income on the side?
Learn how to build an online “pastor’s platform” to host your key idea and share your expertise outside the church.

Don’t Let a Bad Message Kill a Great Idea!
Grab your FREE copy of THE MESSAGE CRAFTER’S BLUEPRINT and propel your message from good to great!
- Great messages don’t just happen—they must be crafted!
- Learn the secrets of great messages and how to apply them to your communication.
- Discover simple tools to make your message pop and stand out from the noise.
- Fine-tune your unique messaging style that lets you communicate with authenticity.
- Unlock a secret list of books, videos, and resources that help you learn and grow.